Thank You

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the ABANA. We have received your application and will be in touch with you soon regarding the status of your membership. To ensure that we know all of our new members well, the ABANA board of directors reviews all applications. This is an important part in welcoming new members, but please be aware that this process may take up to two weeks.

Should you have any questions about ABANA or your application in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the ABANA at or 212-599-3030 x 1.

For payment by check or wire transfer:

Mail checks out to “ABANA” and send to: ABANA, 150 West 28th Street, Suite 801, New York, NY 10001.

To submit a wire transfer, please contact ABANA at 212-599-3030 x 1 for transfer details.