July 2, 2014
8:30am - 9:15am
Arabia Monitor’s Conference Call with special guest Dr. Ali Allawi, former Iraqi Minister of Finance.
Iraq: Make or break this month?
- Will the advance of ISIS stall or accelerate government formation?
- What re-shuffling of the cards are we observing? Can the U.S., Europe, Saudi Arabia and Iran reconsider their positions in grappling with Iraq?
- With the KRG at a crossroads, what envelope of new options is on the table?
8:30 AM (New York EDT) / 1:30 PM (London BST) / 4:30 PM (Dubai GST)
Registration is required. Please RSVP to rsvp@arabbankers.org to receive dial-in details.
Arabia Monitor is a research firm that provides studies on the economies and financial markets of the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region, which it views as the new emerging market. Arabia Monitor’s perspective is forward looking and places recent developments in the region in a broader context, taking a long term view based on the macroeconomic and financial balance sheet of the Arab countries. A member of the World Economic Forum’s Regional Agenda Council on the Middle East & North Africa, Arabia Monitor was founded by Dr. Florence Eid, former Vice President and Chief Economist for MENA at JP Morgan. On the firm’s advisory council sits HRH Prince Turki Al Faisal bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, former Ambassador of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Kingdom and the United States; Mr. Victor Chu, board member of the World Economic Forum and former council member of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Dr. Richard Debs, founding president and advisory director of Morgan Stanley International and former COO of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Online registrations are now closed for this event. Contact ABANA at 1 212 599 3030 or rsvp@abana.co for last-minute registrations or questions.