Donner Sang Compter
Yorgui Teyrouz is Founder of Donner Sang Compter in Lebanon. For the past five years, Yorgui has been working to better blood donation in Lebanon, which lacks a national blood bank or public blood donation services. In 2005, Yorgui lost a friend whose family was unable to find enough blood donors compatible with his extremely rare blood type. This prompted Yorgui to create Donner Sang Compter (“to give without expecting anything in return” – DSC), an NGO that connects blood donors and people in need of blood. DSC is composed of young volunteers from various social and professional backgrounds who raise awareness about voluntary blood donation across Lebanon in schools, universities, churches, mosques, movie theatres, malls, etc. DSC has compiled a database of more than 11,000 people willing to donate blood to any person in need at any hospital or clinic.
Profile as of 11/5/2012