Speaker Profile

Rima Afifi

Rima Afifi

Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Education
American University of Beirut

Rima Afifi is a professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Education and associate dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut (AUB). The author of numerous publications, Afifi’s recent articles include “Domestic violence against women during pregnancy: the case of Palestinian refugees attending an antenatal clinic in Lebanon,” in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (in press); “Cigarette and nargileh smoking practices among school students in Beirut, Lebanon,” in the American Journal of Health Behav (2007); and “Breastfeeding and feeding practices of infants in a developing country: A national survey in Lebanon,” in Public Health Nutrition (in press). Her research interests focus primarily on youth protective and risk factors, tobacco prevention, psychosocial health, intervention research, and community based participatory research.

Afifi has done extensive service consultancies in the evaluation of health programs, trainings in health promotion, youth issues, tobacco control, community based participatory research (CBPR), development of strategic plans for health promotion, and tobacco control. She was also a member of the International Panel of Judges for the 2010 Out of the Box Prize, which was established by the Community Tool Box to honor innovative approaches to promoting community health and development worldwide.

Afifi earned a BS in psychology from the University of Iowa and a PhD in health services research with a minor in behavioral science and health education from St. Louis University.

Profile as of 5/18/2011