Mona is a Director at Trucost, part of S&P Dow Jones Indices, working with investors to incorporate climate risk into their investment strategies, as part of the growing trend towards socially responsible investing. She works with some of North America's biggest asset owners, asset managers, banks and other financial institutions to support them on low-carbon and fossil fuel free strategies, energy transition scenario analysis, and meeting the recommendations of the FSB-convened Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for investors. Prior to joining S&P, Mona led a research team at the 2 Degrees Investing Initiative (2dii), a sustainable finance NGO, focused on aligning the finance sector with the 2-degree climate goal. At 2dii, she worked on developing energy transition metrics and climate risk integration within investment portfolios, led a joint research program with Generation on time horizons, and developed key strategic partnerships with globally leading investors on the topic. Prior to that, she served as an advisor to the Obama Administration on climate and energy policy, and worked as an Analyst at the UK's Bank of England. She has spoken at a number of global conferences on sustainable investing, and is a published author of several research papers on topics ranging from disruptive technologies, such as alternative currencies, to the problem of 'short-termism' in mainstream finance.