Director of Sustainability
Hui When Chan is the director of Sustainability at Spin, a micromobility company that is part of Ford Mobility. She leads cross-functional initiatives aimed at reducing emissions, enhancing the sustainability of Spin’s operations, and encouraging mode shift away from cars for short trips. Previously, she was the climate risk lead in Citi’s Environmental and Social Risk Management team and the ESG strategy and reporting lead in Citi’s Corporate Sustainability team, where she led the development of Citi’s first climate disclosure reports. She also served as the North America representative on the UN Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Banking Committee (2016-2020). Before transitioning to focus on sustainability and environmental impact, she was the Impact Analytics and Planning Officer at the Citi Foundation.
Chan has prior work experience in both the private and nonprofit sectors. Before joining Citi, she advised clients across a variety of industries at Sagent Advisors, Inc. and Mercer Management Consulting (now Oliver Wyman Group). She also served as a program officer for the William J. Clinton Foundation’s pediatric HIV/AIDS program in Beijing, China, and was a Harvard Business School Leadership fellow and associate director at the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, focused on strategic planning and business development.
Chan splits time between New York City and San Francisco. She received an A.B. in Economics from Harvard College and an MBA from Harvard Business School.